Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Ferreccio, Catterina; Sancha Fernández, Ana María (I C D D R B-CENTRE HEALTH POPULATION RESEARCH, 2006-06)
      The problem of arsenic in Chile was reviewed. In Chile, the population is exposed to arsenic naturally via drinking-water and by air pollution resulted from mining activities. The sources of arsenic were identified to ...
    • Sotomayor, Camilo G.; Groothof, Dion; Vodegel, Joppe J.; Gacitúa, Tomás A.; Gomes Neto, António W.; Osté, Maryse C. J.; Pol, Robert A.; Ferreccio, Catterina; Berger, Stefan P.; Chong, Guillermo; Slart, Riemer H. J. A.; Rodrigo Salinas, Ramón; Navis, Gerjan J.; Touw, Daan J.; Bakker, Stephan J. L. (MDPI, 2020)
      Arsenic is toxic to many organ systems, the kidney being the most sensitive target organ. We aimed to investigate whether, in kidney transplant recipients (KTRs), the nephrotoxic exposure to arsenic could represent an ...
    • Steinmaus, Craig; Castriota, Felicia; Ferreccio, Catterina; Smith, Allan H.; Yuan, Yan; Liaw, Jane; Acevedo, Johanna; Pérez, Liliana; Meza, Rodrigo; Calcagno, Sergio; Uauy Dagach-Imbarack, Ricardo; Smith, Martyn T. (Elsevier, 2015)
      Background: Elevated body mass index (BMI) is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and other diseases. Inflammation or oxidative stress induced by high BMI may explain some of these effects. Millions ...
    • Cortes Arancibia, Sandra (Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      Introducción Entre 1927 y 1990 las mineras Potrerillos y El Salvador depositaron más de 220 Megatoneladas de desechos mineros en la bahía de Chañaral, generando frente a la ciudad una playa artificial de más de 10 Km y 4 ...
    • Ferreccio, Catterina; Prado Buzeta, Rodrigo; Luzoro Vial, Amaranta; Ampuero Llanos, Sandra; Snijders, Peter J. F.; Meijer, Chris J. L. M.; Vaccarella, Salvatore V.; Jara, Alejandro T.; Puschel, Klaus I.; Robles, Sylvia C.; Herrero, Rolando; Franceschi, Silvia F.; Ojeda Fernández, José (AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH, 2004-12)
      More than 18 types of human papillomavirus (HPV) are associated with cervical cancer, the relative importance of the HPV types may vary in different populations. Objective: To investigate the types of HPV, age distribution, ...
    • Jiménez de la Jara, Jorge; Bastías, Gabriel; Ferreccio, Catterina; Moscoso, Cristian; Sagues, Sofía; Cid, Camilo; Bronstein, Eduardo; Herrera, Cristian; Nervi, Bruno; Corvalán, Alejandro; Velásquez, Ethel V.; González, Pamela; Castellón Vera, Enrique; Bustamante, Eva; Oñate, Sergio; McNerney, Eileen; Sullivan, Richard; Owen, Gareth I. (BioMed Central, 2015)
      Introduction: The South American country Chile now boasts a life expectancy of over 80 years. As a consequence, Chile now faces the increasing social and economic burden of cancer and must implement political policy to ...
    • Ferreccio, Catterina; Roa, Juan Carlos; Bambs, Claudia; Vives, Alejandra; Corvalán, Alejandro H.; Cortés, Sandra; Foerster, Claudia; Acevedo, Johanna; Huidobro, Andrea; Passi, Alvaro; Toro, Pablo; Covacevich, Yerko; Cruz, Rolando de la; Koshiol, Jill; Olivares, Mauricio; Miquel, Juan Francisco; Cruz, Francisco; Silva, Raúl; Quest, Andrew F. G.; Kogan Bocian, Marcelo; Castro, Pablo F.; Lavandero González, Sergio (BioMed Central, 2016)
      Background: Maule Cohort (MAUCO), a Chilean cohort study, seeks to analyze the natural history of chronic diseases in the agricultural county of Molina (40,000 inhabitants) in the Maule Region, Chile. Molina's population ...
    • López-Portillo García, María de Lourdes; Huidobro, Andrea; Tobar Calfucoy, Eduardo Andrés; Yañez, Cristián; Retamales Ortega, Rocío Mariana; Garrido Tapia, Macarena; Acevedo, Johanna; Paredes, Fabio; Cid Ossandón, Vicente; Ferreccio, Catterina; Verdugo Salgado, Ricardo Alejandro (MDPI, 2022)
      Chile is one of the largest consumers of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) world-wide. However, it is unknown whether the effects from this highly industrialized food will mimic those reported in industrialized countries or ...